God reveals his perfect and infinite love for us most visibly in his son, Jesus Christ. A steward makes god’s love visible by imitating Jesus. As the united states bishops wrote in their pastoral letter, stewardship is the response of the disciple to god’s unconditional love for us. Stewards bask in the wonder and awe of god’s love. The more deeply one grows in love for god, the more one grows in heart to see stewardship as a way of life, a way of love, imitating god’s love for us. Stewards see everything good as gifts received from god and they respond in gratitude with the gift of self. The sacrament of baptism calls Christians to a lifelong vocation of discipleship as children of god made in his image and likeness. Strengthened by the holy spirit, we are called as disciples to follow Jesus to grow in holiness by the graces god showers upon us. As recipients of god’s loving grace, our hearts leap with gratitude. “how can I repay the lord for all the good he has done for me?” (psalm 116:12).
Stewardship is a conversion journey of receiving God’s love and returning love to Him. A conversion requires prayer, reflection and time to allow God to show us who we are, and the person of love that we can become. Throughout the conversion experience, the disciple yearns to change and grow into the person God created them to be - a steward uniquely His own, but united in one Body through Jesus Christ. Stewardship transforms lives because of its love, and it is in this transformation process and conversion journey towards love that we give new life to the Church. “If you wish to come after me, you must deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me. For if you wish to save your life you will lose it, but if you lose your life for my sake you will save it.” (Luke 9: 23-24) In the deepening conversion of love, the steward learns to give of self through time, talent and treasure, not out of obligation and duty, but out of sincere desire. The steward recognizes within the very nature of the human person, an inherent need to give. For the steward, this way of life and giving of love becomes as natural as breathing itself. Recognizing that this conversion is primarily a call from God made possible through grace He bestows upon us, the task of conversion to stewardship is part of our response to discipleship.
(Source: Office of Stewardship THE CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF WICHITA, Wichita, Kansas)
Our Parish Stewardship Committee members are: Coordinator—Deacon Roy Matsuo; Assistant Coordinator—Lucy Quisano; Alda Mae Takabayashi, Jaclyn Sakamoto, Mary Domingo, Melissa Jaime, Joe Weldon, Oswald Bumanglag, and Paul Takayesu.
Members are committed to sharing of their Time, Talent, and Treasure in helping to build God’s kingdom and to help bring conversion of hearts among our parishioners. They have a keen sense of promoting hospitality and welcoming among the People of God, as well as a deep appreciation for the many blessings God shares with them each day. Please contact Deacon Roy or Lucy Quisano if you are interested in joining this committee.
Stewardship Committee Chairperson