Did you ever think about what happens after the collection is taken up on a Sunday? Well, it gets locked away until our team of volunteer counters arrives at the parish office to begin the counting.
Here is a ministry that is not often thought of. The St. Matthew’s Ministry is responsible that offertory and second collections are properly counted, recorded and readied for deposit. About 6 to 10 parishioners help one morning each week to do this important ministry.
You do not need to be an accountant. Honesty, trustworthiness, accuracy, and confidentiality are key traits that help this team accomplish their work.
The work is similar to a bank teller. Envelope donations are opened and the amounts are compared to the amount written on each envelope. Cash and checks are counted separately, reports prepared for the parish business manager, and deposits readied for delivery to the bank. Cash controls are adhered to at each level to ensure that collections are properly accounted for and reported to our parishioners.
If you would like to be a part of this “invisible” but important ministry, please call the office at 521-1700 and leave your name, address, and contact phone number.