Growing up can be difficult. Adulthood brings increasing responsibilities and some of the most important life choices we’ll ever make. At the same time, life constantly changes, we get busy or branch off into separate lives different from those of our friends and families, and we often lose the familiarity of the environments that have sustained us. Still trying to gain a sense of identity and to make sense of the world, we can find ourselves asking “What should I do with my life?”
A few years ago, I’d been asking that question and feeling unsatisfied by most of the answers I'd gotten. Especially when it came to my faith, I wasn't sure what there was for me beyond the ministries I was already involved with. However, the advice that still gives meaning to my journey came later that year, at a diocesan event for young adults, when a panel of adults with diverse life paths encouraged us to fall in love with Jesus Christ. Their sincerity resonated with me. Even though they'd each had a unique individual calling – they included a nun, a married couple, a young woman who was single but engaged, a priest, and another young adult who was a deacon -- what they all shared was a genuine love of their calling and of Jesus Christ, not as a concept, but as a person..
Our own vocations and journeys are similarly diverse, but God calls all of us to a deeper relationship with Him. It is our choice whether to love Him back. The panelists' invitation that evening helped guide me to a deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus and to a deeper relationship with God – a relationship that gave new meaning to what it means for me to be Catholic. The journey through adulthood is already challenging, and following Jesus isn’t easy. But as part of a community of faith, we are not alone in this journey. My own faith journey has reminded me that when we encounter rough spots, loneliness, confusion, change, and other challenges of growing up, we can always ask for divine help from Heaven – from Jesus Christ, our Mother Mary, and the saints. We can also ask for help here on earth, through the Church and our local faith communities.
For the Young Adult Ministry here at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, our mission is to help foster young adults’ relationships with Jesus and connect them to their peers, to the life and mission of our parish, to the church community, to our vicariate and diocese, and to the world around us, as we all strive to live and understand our identity as Catholics. What I've learned through my participation in young adult ministry, and through the relationships, it's strengthened and created, continues to help me in my own faith journey, in the ways that I’ve outlined above and that I invite you to explore as well.
May the peace of Jesus be with you always, and may you get to know Jesus even better on your journey.
Ashley Labasan
The Young Adult Ministry is comprised of those over 18 years old who want to learn and grow in their Catholic faith in an accepting community.
The ministry gathers on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm in the Pastoral Center for faith sharing. Someone will always lead the discussion on a topic that goes into how we are/can live our faith in our daily lives.
The last Tuesday night is always dedicated to deepening our relationship with Our Lord.
The 1st Friday events that the young adults put on are for our parishioners (all ages). Due to the fact that everyone has different interests and needs, varied topics are discussed or different speakers share. We want to be able to help the parishioners in the ‘little ways’ that we can.
Once a month, the young adults have a social event with other young adults from the different parishes. The socials are made up of different activities such as hiking, ice skating, sporting events, round the island trip, movies, etc.
The ministry also heads the “Adopt-A-Seminarian” service project. This project is to continue our Aloha to the seminarians, who are on the mainland, by sending them local goodies and letters. The “Adopt-A-Seminarian” project is supported by the different parishes. We thank the wonderful parishioners of Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa for continuing to support this project!
Anyone who wants to deepen their faith and knowledge in God or needs to be fed with the Holy Spirit is free to join us on Tuesdays, 7:00pm, in the Pastoral Center.