Religious Education

Religious Education

Scan QR Code or click on the announcement to fill up the RE Registration Online Form.


for SY 2024-2025

 Registration is going on now!

Start of Classes:  August 18, 2024 


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Blessing of own made rosaries by Deacon Ray
Grade 2 First Communicants, class of Mr. Joe Weldon and MaryJoy Alejo

RE offers the following

Sacramental preparation for Children and Teens (Kinder- High School) who need to receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Holy Eucharist)   

For Baptism – Birth Certificate   

For Confirmation and/or First Comunion – Baptismal certificate and/or 

First communion Certificate 

We also offer the "Growing In Jesus Catechesis" for those who have completed their sacraments of Initiation thru the following ministries: 

Children Ministry - for Grades 3 & 4

Comprehensive Youth Ministry - for Middle School and High school Students       

Registration is on going for Adult Confirmation

This sacramental preparation is offered to all baptized adults (18 years old and above) who desire to be confirmed into the Catholic Christian community. Through their classes, they will be led to a deeper understanding of the sacrament they are receiving and will be provided with a solid foundation for sacramental life and moral living. 

 Adult Confirmation and/or First Communion - Registration going on.
Registration forms are available by the side entrance of the church or at the parish office.   

 Requirement: Baptismal and/or First Communion Certificate Registration fee: $ 25.00 (for book/hand-outs, retreat lunch/dinner, lei)

Adult Baptism (R.CI.A - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) 

This program is for the following adults: unbaptized who desire a Roman Catholic baptism, or baptized in another Christian tradition who desire to become a Roman Catholic. They are prepared according to the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.  Fill our registration form available by the side entrance of the church and submit to the parish office

Children’s Baptism 

This program is for any unbaptized child over the age of reason (ages 7- 17), who desires to become Catholic. They are prepared to receive Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion on Easter Vigil. The RCIA process is adapted to meet the specific needs of children and youth.  You may register here at

Validation of Marriage 

This program is offered to all civilly married couple who are interested in validating their marriage according to the rite of the Catholic Church. Please contact the parish office for more information .

Parents Catechesis

Parents are the first catechists of their children. This class will help parents grow mature in their faith in Jesus which enables them to have deeper knowledge and love of His person and His message, and a firm commitment to follow Him. (NDC#19). Participants will study, pray, reflect and share the gospel message. Registration is going on.  Please contact the office for more details.

"... You will be my witness to the ends of the earth!"

Faith Formation Family Handbook

  • Religious Education Family Handbook

  • Teen Confirmation Family Handbook

Announcements and Reminders


Indeed, all parishes within the Diocese of Honolulu are restoring the Original Order of the Sacraments of Initiation between 2018-2020.

In the early Church, the person was immersed into the waters of Baptism, anointed with chrism, and shared in the Eucharistic meal as part of a single event. Over time, and for many reasons, the celebration of these three sacraments became separated from one another. In the renewal stemming from the Second Vatican Council, the Church was asked to more clearly set forth the intimate connection of Confirmation with the whole of Christian initiation. This original order also helps us recognize that sharing in the Eucharist completes our initiation into the Church and that it is Eucharist which is the “source and summit of our faith.”

Go to for more information on this important change.

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