The Parish Building and Planning Committee (PBPC) is an advisory organization to the pastor on all matters relating to addressing, maintaining, constructing, building, and repairing of all parish physical plant facilities.
A major goal of the PBPC is to promote a parish welcoming and safe environment for all visitors and parishioners. Committee members are active parishioners who are qualified in various trade and professional repair and maintenance careers and who give their time and talent in sharing their expertise with their Church community.
Current members are: Pastor—Fr. Greg Honorio, Chairperson--Deacon Roy Matsuo, Benedicto Guira Jr., Cynthia Yee-Bronson, Mel Decasa, Orie Butac, Remar Aquino, and Roger Aquino
Some areas of expertise which would support the PBPC work include experience in: Federal government contracting, electrician, architecture, electronics, welding, general contracting, grounds keeping, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, carpentry, roofing, painting, plumbing, environmental engineering, hazmat, OSHA, ADA, home modification for the Aging, air conditioning, audio systems, legal field (attorney), building code requirements, and related fields.
If you are interested in joining the PBPC, please contact Deacon Roy Matsuo.
A recent major project for our parish is the Exterior Painting of the Church, Rectory, and Pastoral Center. The restoration on the Church Bell Tower and renovations to the Chapel area are planned for the near future. There are many other plant facilities projects to be maintained and repaired. Your support and sharing of your Time, Talent, and Treasure are vital to the success of our parish mission.
Chairperson of Parish Planning & Building Committee and of the Parish Stewardship Committee