Parish Finance Council

Parish Finance Council


he Parish Finance Council (Council) functions as a consultative body to the Pastor. The Council, composed of members with the appropriate expertise and possessing a love for the Church and its mission, provides the Pastor with valuable advice and assistance in the execution of his parish financial administration duties. The Council does not have decision-making authority. The Council has only those duties and responsibilities envisioned by Canon Law and those assigned to it by the Pastor.

There are several Canons that address the administration of parish goods that serve as guides to a pastor and Finance Council:

  1. Canon 532. In all judicial matters, the parish priest acts in the parish, in accordance with the law. He is to ensure that the parish goods are administered in accordance with canons 1282 – 1288.
  2. Canon 537. In each parish there is to be a finance council to help the parish priest in the administration of the goods of the parish, without prejudice to Canon 532. It is ruled by the universal law and by the norms laid down by the diocesan Bishop, and is composed of members of the faithful selected by these norms.
  3. Canon 1282.  All clerics or lay persons who through a legitimate title take part in the administration of ecclesiastical goods are bound to fulfill their duties in the name of the Church and in accord with the norm of law.


The Council provides a means by which the Pastor receives expert help in caring for the temporal goods of the parish. It should promote a climate of openness, transparency and participation by ensuring the adherence to responsible fiscal policies. The Council should provide to the Pastor, the Diocese and Parish regular and timely reports on the financial status of the parish.

As a standing council of the parish, the Council offers its technical skills in fiscal matters to the pastor and whomsoever he should designate.

The Council assists and advises the pastor concerning the administration of the temporal goods of the parish within the limits of the Code of Canon Law and applicable civil laws.


The duties of the Parish Finance Council:

Meets monthly and maintains minutes of the meetings

Assists the Pastor and Business Manager in the preparation of the Parish’s annual financial operating budget

Advises the Pastor on Parish financial affairs

Together with the Pastor, reviews, approves and submits an annual financial report of Parish activities at the end of the fiscal year to the Bishop, Parish Council and to the Parish-at-large

Provides consultation concerning any financial commitment of the Parish resources in excess of $20,000

Participates in all Parish events and celebrations in the spiritual life of the Parish

Serves in other duties as requested by the Pastor

Current Finance Council Members 2016-2017

Paul Takayesu, Chairperson

Kristen Butac, MBA

Ashley Labasan, Esq.



 In Attendance:

Father Gregorio Honorio

Rafael Mendoza, Business Manager

Commitment Of Time And Talent

Members of the Council are appointed for three (3) year terms and may be re-appointed to additional terms. In order to be effective in their responsibilities, members should have a thorough understanding of the parish’s mission, goals, structure, demographics; knowledge of diocesan statutes and policies regarding temporalities, and a general understanding of the structure and organization of diocesan finances.

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